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Jessica Huinker
Director of Finance
Division of Operations & Finance
Kelly Kelly
Academic Specialist - 6-8 Math
Longfellow Middle School
Nicole Hintz
Academic Specialist - JK-5
Montessori School
Jennifer Ankerberg
Academic Specialist - 6-8 Literacy
Longfellow Middle School
Ricki Tierney
Academic Specialist - JK-5
Underwood Elementary School
Chief Finance + Operations Officer
Division of Operations & Finance
(414) 773-1072
Sonia Pacheco
School District Nurse
Division of Pupil & Family Services
Kevin LaFountain
Director of Buildings + Grounds
Division of Operations & Finance
(414) 773-1051
Rachel Zastrow
Academic Specialist JK-5
Madison Elementary School
(414) 773-1462
Sarah Halverson
Instructional Coach - JK-5 ELA
Madison Elementary School
(414) 773-1566
Angelique Byrne
Instructional Coach - Vel. R Phillips
Alternative School
(414) 257-4867
Susan Lorch-Sprenger
Instructional Coach - 6-8
Whitman Middle School
(414) 773-2592
Kelly Kelly
Academic Specialist - 6-8 Math
Longfellow Middle School
(414) 773-2584
Holly Nelson
Academic Specialist- 6-8 Literacy
Whitman Middle School
(414) 773-2674
Jillian Miller
Instructional Coach - JK-5 Math
Wilson Elementary School
(414) 773-1184
Tracy Carus
Instructional Coach - JK-5 Math
Lincoln Elementary School
(414) 773-1425
Sarah Halverson
Instructional Coach - JK-5 ELA
McKinley Elementary School
(414) 773-1566
Rachel Ford
Instructional Coach - JK-5 ELA
Jefferson Elementary School
(414) 773-1365
Laura Zahn
Academic Specialist - JK-5
Underwood Elementary School
(414) 773-1752
Mary Young
Academic Specialist - JK-5
Eisenhower Elementary School
(414) 773-1176